Class Index
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This Exception is thrown by an ::create-constructor or a save-method, if the creation/modification of the object would result in duplicates.
Representation of an article
A Key-Value-Storage assigned to Articles for plugins to store additional data.
An exception that a StorageAccess implementation can throw, if it is unable to load a template.
An exception that a StorageAccess implementation can throw, if it is unable to save a template.
Representing a user comment
An Exeption a comment validator can throw, if the validation failed.
This Exception is thrown by an ::by_*-constructor or any array-like object if the desired object is not present in the database.
An Exception a tag can throw, if a fatal (irreparable) runtime error occurred.
The default StorageAccess implementation for loading / saving templates into a directory structure.
Data model for groups
Representation of an image entry.
Exception that will be thrown, if a object with invalid data (e.g.
An Exception that PluginPackage’s function can throw, if the package is invalid.
This Exception is thrown, if a IO-Error occurs (file not available, no read/write acccess...)
An abstract class for a KVStorage.
Container for Translation objects.
An Exception
Contains static functions for password hashes.
The representation of a plugin in the database.
A Key-Value-Storage for Plugins Can be accessed like an array.
A plugin package representation.
Only the metadata of a PluginPackage.
An abstract class to be extended in order to write your own Plugin.
Exception that can be thrown inside an url_action_simple.
Representation of an plugin repository.
A Exception that will be thrown, if the repository is unreachable or seems to be an invalid repository.
An Exception that a tag can throw, if a non-fatal runtime error occurred.
Representing a section
A class that holds the Settings of Ratatöskr.
Everything in this file is in this namespace.
The Core of STE
An interface.
Represents a Style
Representation of a tag
Makes using transactions easier.
A translation.
Exception that will be thrown, if a input file has an unsupported file format.
Data model for Users