Establish a connection to the MySQL database.
function db_connect()
Get the version of the database structure currently used.
function dbversion()
public function delete()
public function delete()
Deletes the group from the database.
public function delete()
public function delete()
Deletes the data from database.
public function delete()
public function delete()
Delete the repository entry from the database.
public function delete()
public function delete()
public function delete()
public function delete()
Deletes the user from the database.
public function delete()
Delete a directory and all of its content.
function delete_directory( $dir )
Pack a directory into an array.
function dir2array( $dir )
Download a package from the repository
public function download_package( $pkgname, $version = "current" )
Test, if a text represents false (an empty / only whitespace text) or true (everything else).
public function evalbool( $txt )
Exchanges image file.
public function exchange_image( $file )
Excludes user from group.
public function exclude_user( $user )
Executes a template and returns the result.
public function exectemplate( $tpl )
Get just the metadata of this package.
public function extract_meta()
Fills plugin data from an PluginPackage object.
public function fill_from_pluginpackage( $pkg )
function frontend_url_handler( & $data, $url_now, & $url_next )